Become a Gala Sponsor

Celebrating a Half Century of Service to Our Community
Philanthropic giving has fueled the growth of ACC Senior Services for 50 years. We invite you to be a part of our celebration as a sponsor at the 50th Anniversary Gala on Thursday, October 20, 2022.
Philanthropic giving has fueled ACC Senior Services’ growth for 50 years and strengthened our entire community. We invite you to be part of the next 50 years by sponsoring our 50th Anniversary Gala on October 20, 2022.
As a sponsor, you gain valuable exposure throughout the ACC community this year and beyond. Sponsorship levels can include recognition at the event, website presence and tagged social media posts sharing your involvement, and ACC News coverage that reaches nearly ten thousand households and businesses. Your support makes you a partner in our mission: to improve the quality of life and quality of care for seniors.
Download Sponsorship Form for Individuals
Download Sponsorship Form for Businesses
For more information, please contact Scott Okamoto at
Gala Links
Purchase Gala Ticket on Eventbrite
Fund a Need and Make an Impact
Directions to the Evergreen Springs
Contact Us
We welcome you to join us to be a part of this special evening. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Scott Okamoto at
Gala Sponsor Levels for Individuals
Platinum Sponsor: $10,000

Gold Sponsor: $5,000

Silver Sponsor: $2,500

Copper Sponsor: $1,000

Bronze Sponsor: $500

Gala Program Advertising
Full page $1,000, Half page $750, Quarter Page $500, and Business Card $250 for individuals and businesses. Materials are due by September 1, 2022.
Corporate Sponsors

Business Sponsors
DIAMOND $10,000
- River City Medical Group
- Hiroshima Daggett
- Oto’s Marketplace/A Sushi Experience
- Yee Law Group
EMERALD $2,500
- Buddhist Church of Sacramento
- Murphy Austin Adams Schoenfeld LLP
RUBY $1,000
- Absolute Compassion Hospice
- Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis
- Donovan-Tift Consulting, Inc.
- General Produce
- MAC Knife, Inc.
- Snowline Hospice
Individual Sponsors
Platinum $10,000+
- Winston and Loretta Ashizawa
- Roger and Florence Fong
- Joyce Iseri
- Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis
- Darrick and Jackie Lam
- Sean and Nancy Wong
Gold $5,000
- Jean Chong
- Walter Liang
- Barry and Ricarda Lim
- David and Jean Shiomoto
- King and Linda Won
- Donna Yee
Silver $2,500
- Paula Higashi and Fred Taugher
- Titus and Donna Komure-Toyama
- William and Judy Yee
Copper $1,000
- Brian and Jean Chin
- John and Holly Korach
- Wayne and Lynn Kurahara
- Yen Marshall
- Betty Masuoka
- Hideko Sakazaki
Bronze $500
- Lora Connolly
- Howard Harris
- Carl Hsu
- Amiko Kashiwagi
- Daniel and Sophia Kim
- Walter and Kathy Menda
- Janice Morikawa
- Jane H. Naito
- Randy and Lillie Shiroi
- Janet Tedesco
- Takashi Tsujita
- City Councilmember Mai Vang
- Darrel, Nancy, and Alyson Woo
Table Sponsors
- Art and Gloria Imagire
- Gung Ho Post 696
- Mary Bienko and Mollie Chow
- River City Medical Group