ACC's Big Day of Giving
On May 2nd, 2024, ACC hosted a 5 hour livestreamed telethon for the Annual Big Day of Giving. Viewers were entertained by musical talents such as Broadway star Dina Morishta, George Connor and Mary Nakamura (Asian Pair), Clementine Brass Band and so many more! Tastebuds salivated with cooking demos by Lana Chong, Jonathan and Katie of local favorite Cacio and our very own Chef Tim Hirabayashi from ACC Maple Tree Village. We heard messages from our local elected officials Supervisor Patrick Kennedy, Councilmember Rick Jennings and Assemblymember Stephanie Nguyen.
During the evenings, we showcased many of our ACC programs, services, residential communities and clubs. Honoring longtime volunteer Art Imigire and a wonderful heartfelt tribute to an ACC pioneer, Mickey Yamadera.
Big Day of Giving is a 24-hour fundraising event that supports local nonprofits in the Sacramento region. BDOG enhances community-building and collaboration among area non-profits, organized by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation with backing from partners like Western Health Advantage and generous individuals like you!
Annually, the Big Day of Giving is ACC’s largest fundraiser of the year and enables us to continue to offer many of our services and programs at low-to-no cost to our participants. From participants and volunteers with ACC Rides and Senior Escort Program, to residents of ACC Skilled Nursing and Independent Living – your donation makes a direct impact in our community!
Champion - $25,000 and up
Trailblazer - $10,000 to $24,999
David & Jean Shiomoto
Bill Wong & Sylvia Tang
Heman Lee
ACC Golf Tournament
Humanitarian - $5,000 to $9,999
Jean Chong
Walter W Liang
Steven & Janice Muraki
Joaquin Ngarangad
Glenn Watanabe & Nancy Wai-Watanabe
Benefactor - $2,500 to $4,999
Brian & Jean Chin
Marlene Oehler
William Fong
Willie and Nancy Fong
Ashizawa Foundation
Compassionate Contributor - $1,000 to $2,499
Stella Chuk
Judy and Tak Fukuman
Tracy Fong
Naomi Goto
Victoria Hirata
Francesca Halbakken
Art & Gloria Imagire
Charles C. Kobayashi
Shannon Law
Jessie S. Lee
Don & Sheri Morishita
Janice Morikawa
Paula Mishima
Millie Nishita
Connie Rusynyk
Janet Sakata
Peggy Saika
Paula Higashi & Fred Taugher
Susan Young
Linda & Walt Yip
Donna Yee
Tom Family Trust
Herbert and Inez Yee Foundation
MAC Knife, Inc.
Grateful Giver - $500 to $999
Kyle & Mai Adachi
Keith and Karen Adachi
Linda Cabatic
Bernard & Cecilia Chan
Mollie Chow
Lora Connolly
Patricia Fong
Jeannie Fong
Susan Fong
Segawa Giving Fund
Justine Garibay
Howard Harris
Kimi Hosoume
Sunny Jung
Richard Kai
Judith Keen
Robert & Betty Kimoto
Stephen Kashiwada
John Lam
Bruce Lee
Michael Liang
Banks Lowman
Janice Luszczak
Esther Mar
Renee Mendoza
Pamela A. Mizukami
Ruby Nishimi
Dawn Nozaka
Dean Okasaki
Jayne Rasmussen
Andrew Rosenau
Deborah Seid
Wanda & Tim Shironaka
Cindy Singer
Meg Tanaka
Lisa Tanaka
Larrry & Mary Tom
Cliff & Julie Toyama
Karen Tredway
Eugene Wong
Wai Oi Woo
Katherine Yung
Gung Ho Post #696
Thank you to everyone who donated $1 – $499
A more complete listing including tribute gifts will be featured in the summer edition of ACC News (June 2024)