During these inflationary times, the rising cost of living is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. But for many seniors in Sacramento, affording everyday expenses has long been a genuine concern. In 2020, 25% of older adult households in Sacramento did not have enough income to cover their basic needs, according to the Sacramento County Department of Public Health. That means that one in every four older adult households in Sacramento did not have the income to afford food, housing, transportation, and other basic essentials to live independently at home. A UCLA study found that Sacramento’s housing affordability for low-income seniors is the worst in the state. When you add today’s record-breaking inflation, the situation is even more dire.
It’s no wonder that every day at ACC we meet seniors who are facing many challenges due to rising costs. One person legally separated from her husband because, as a couple, they weren’t eligible for the help they needed to afford the health care he requires. Another person turned down a job offer because he didn’t have money to repair his car, which he would need to get to work. Taking public transportation would turn a 20-minute drive into a three-hour bus ride and a walk home in the dark.

On October 19, 2022, Congressmember Doris Matsui held a press conference at ACC to discuss how the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce prescription drug prices and health insurance premiums for millions of Americans. ACC’s Jeri Shikuma spoke about how this will benefit seniors.
ACC’s role in helping seniors deal with these rising costs is providing the tools and resources to not only help them meet their basic needs but also sustain healthy living in the longer run. For example, Rides provides critical transportation to chemotherapy and dialysis appointments, as well as trips to preventative check-ups and wellness calls for social contact and informal assessments. Meals on Wheels by ACC offers home-delivered meals, while our Lifelong Learning and Wellness Program offers nutrition, cooking, and exercise classes to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our Care Coordinators help with public benefits enrollment while our Senior Employment program offers job training and help with employment so seniors can become more financially secure. Our TEAM and CHANGES programs help consumers with their phone, internet, and PG&E bills. We can help negotiate discounts and payment plans.
We offer these services because it is the best way to help people keep healthy and remain living independently at home rather than needing emergency care or institutionalization. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And, more importantly, focusing on wellness and social determinants of health helps people age with dignity and improve their quality of living, and that’s what ACC is all about.
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