Technology has become one of the most important skills for all generations. Without technology skills, one would be left behind. Online shopping, remote medical sessions, video calls, searching for information on the internet, and applying for jobs, all require being familiar with basic technology skills, such as knowing how to use a laptop, smartphone, and the Internet. To address this need, ACC started a technology class in August 2022 where seniors can learn technical skills such as sending and receiving emails, attending zoom meetings, or applying for jobs online. The class is taught by Kevin Ta, who has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from UC Davis. Sociology has helped Kevin to understand life from different perspectives and to be more empathetic. He learned technology by using it in his day-to-day life in school and college. He says, “I know how it is for people who do not use technology on a daily basis, that is why I have decided to help people, especially older adults, to grow and learn using technology.” He believes that older adults are very afraid of technology because it is something new to them, and that “they feel older adults and technology don’t belong together. Technology is something for the new generation. But taking one step at a time, I want them to know that they can learn technology, too. Obviously, it will take them some practice but that is something they can do.”

ACC’s Haroon Abasy leads quarterly meetings for SCSEP participants seeking to rejoin the workforce. Around 50 people attended this one on December 22, 2022
Kevin believes that older adults can learn and use technology 100%. Even if you did not grow up with it, then you can learn it, and if you do not take the time to learn it now, then you will be left behind. Regarding tips to learn technology, Kevin says, “I just want everyone to sit down, go on their computer, log on to the internet and watch YouTube videos, where all of the knowledge is at your fingertips. All they have to do is go on Google and search on YouTube and people will have information given to them. Sometimes you can just learn by watching a video and the internet has large resources.” He adds that you do not have to learn everything by tomorrow, it can take weeks and months to do it. It doesn’t really matter how long it takes, what really matters is that you can do it and it is absolutely possible.
Karin Devi, who is taking the class, says, “As a participant of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), I am truly grateful for the opportunities for technological advancement and career-building skills. There is a commonality with many people of my age including myself. I have 20 years of experience working with Medical Billing Software, but I am not familiar with today’s technology. I find this class a positive and encouraging environment where we can gain more confidence to use technology. Our class instructor, Kevin Ta, consistently engages in positive dialogue and interactions with students and communicates clearly for us to understand the material. I encourage anyone who is interested in advancing their technological skill set to take advantage of the opportunities that are being provided.”
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