How To Sign Up For Classes Online

To register online we will now use MyActiveCenter

In order to sign up, you must be in our system and be assigned a MySeniorCenter key tag. If you do not have one, please come to our front desk or contact Sean at

Once you have a key tag number, you can follow the instructional videos below:
1) how to create a ACC MyActiveCenter account
2) How to sign up for an ACC membership ON MyActiveCenter
3) How to register for ACC classes and clubs on MyActiveCenter

Click here to go to MyActiveCenter

All participants for in-person classes must sign our liability form. Call Grace at 916-394-6399 EXT 330 for any questions.

This Week's Classes
3/24 - 3/28

Scroll down to see all classes, workshops, and concerts. *Hybrid is both in-person and online 

7:30a, Tai Chi Club *In-person
9:00a, Sun Salutation *Online
9:00a, Music & Motion *Hybrid
11:00a, Yoga Bodhisattva *Hybrid
12:00p, Mahjong Club *In-person
12:30p, Line Dancing Basics *In-person
3:00p, Ping-Pong Club *In-person

7:30a, Tai Chi Club *In-person
9:00a, Standing Pilates *Hybrid
9:00a, Pickleball *In-person
10:00a, Cardio Moves *Hybrid
11:00a, Strength Training *In-person
1:00p, Cards at ACC *In-person
2:00p, Powerful Tools for Caregivers *Online
3:30p, Exercise for Your Brain and Body
5:00p, Tai Chi Level 2: Sensing Push Hands *In-person
6:00p, Meditation and Soul Healing *Online

7:30a, Tai Chi Club *In-person
9:00a, Sun Salutation *In-person
9:00a, Pickleball *In-person
9:00a, Slow Grove DanceFit *In-person
10:00a, Chair DanceFit *Hybrid
10:00a, Mahjong Club *In-person
11:00a, Energy in Motion within Cultural Folk Dance *In-person
12:15p, Pocket Stick Club *In-person
1:30p, Stretch & Balance: Fall Prevention *Hybrid
2:30p, Chinese Singing Club *In-person
2:30p, Uke ‘N Make Music *In-person
4:00p, Ukulele Tips & Tricks and Play-Along *Online

7:30a, Tai Chi Club *In-person
9:00a, Tai Chi Chuan *In-person
10:00a, Social Hour *In-person
10:00a, Mandarin Chinese Advanced *In-person
11:00a, Mandarin Chinese Intermediate *In-person
12:00p, Joyful Voices Singing Group *In-person
12:30p, Gentle Yoga *Hybrid
1:00p, Thriving Together *In-person
2:00p, Tang Soo Do For Parkinson’s *In-person
2:00p, Knitting & Crochet Social *In-person
3:00p, Ping Pong Club *In-person
6:30p, Family Caregiver Support Group *Online

7:30a, Tai Chi Club *In-person
9:00a, Sun Salutation *Online
9:00a, Pickleball *Online
9:00a, Tai Chi 4 U *In-person
10:00a, Tech Workshops for Older Adults CANCELLED
10:00a, Mahjong Club *In-person
11:00a, Movin’ On *Hybrid
2:00p, ACC Bingo! *In-person
3:30p, Ping-Pong Club *In-person

Schedule of Online and In-person Classes, Workshops, and Concerts:

Click on the Category icon below, a class schedule will drop down for each category:

With Dr. Scott Stringer, MD, ACC’s Medical Director
Cameren Muller, Healthpro Heritage Rehab Director
Dani Lee, Matter of Balance Coach
April 2, Wednesday, 2:30 – 4:00 PM
Location – ACC Care Center, 7801 Rush River Drive, Sacramento 95831
Learn how simple changes, from managing medication side effects and medical conditions to making home modifications and practicing balance exercises, can significantly reduce your risk. Don’t miss out on expert advice that everyone can benefit from! IN-PERSON ONLY at ACC Care Center. FREE
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Save the date for future Caring Minds, Active Lives Educational Series Classes

June 4, 2:30 – 4:00 PM at ACC Maple Tree Village, 18 Kado Ct, Sacramento 95831
Register to Join In-person

July 2, 2:30 – 4:00 PM at ACC Care Center, 7801 Rush River Drive, Sacramento 95831
Register to Join In-person

August 6, 2:30 – 4:00 PM at ACC Greenhaven Terrace, 1180 Corporate Way, Sacramento 95831
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September 3, 2:30 – 4:00 PM at ACC Care Center, 7801 Rush River Drive, Sacramento 95831
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With William Gow, Ph.D.
April 9, Wednesday, 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Join us for a book talk with William Gow, Ph.D. for a discussion of his new book Performing Chinatown:  Hollywood, Tourism, and the Making of a Chinese American Community. Gow examines how Chinese Americans in Los Angeles leveraged performances in Hollywood films and Chinatown tourist attractions to influence perceptions of race and national belonging during the Chinese exclusion era (1875-1965). Drawing on oral history interviews, archival research, and family collections, the book traces the relationship between Los Angeles Chinatown and Hollywood, demonstrating how everyday Chinese Americans used performance to shape dominant perceptions of Asian Americans. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE
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With David Feinberg
April 23 and 24, Wednesday and Thursday 1:30 – 4:00 PM
Class Limit: 20
Claim your safe driver discount! When you take the AARP Smart Driver course, you could be eligible for a multi-year discount on your auto insurance. Plus safer driving can save you more than just money. The course teaches proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. Must finish both classes to receive discount. AARP Cost: non-refundable $20.00 (for AARP members) or $25.00 (for non-AARP members). No ACC Membership needed. Pre-registration is required, please call 916-393-9026 EXT 330IN-PERSON ONLY in Board Room.

Instructors: Sunny Jung and Jeannie Fong
May 22, Thursday 9:00 – 11:30 AM
Class limit: 16, Pre-registration Required
Learn the fundamentals of the fastest growing sport for seniors in America. No experience required, and equipment will be provided. Wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. Some running and physical exertion will be involved, please consult your doctor prior to registering if concerned. IN-PERSON ONLY at Pickleball Courts.
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With Dot Boyd, Senior Safety Specialist
June 5, Thursday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Are you scratching your head about which type of personal emergency alert device is right for you? Do you think that you don’t need one yet? The choices are endless! Learn about the various types of devices, what to look for and what to avoid when shopping for a device for you or for a loved one. Discussion also includes why relying on a phone in an emergency is not an ideal plan. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room. FREE
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With Cosumnes Fire Department
June 19, Thursday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Fire extinguishers are important safety tools for saving life and property. In this interactive class, learn the correct way to use a fire extinguisher with the “PASS” method–push, aim, squeeze and sweep and observe a fire extinguisher demonstration. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE
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With Laura Segura, AARP
June 26, Thursday, 10:30 -11:30 AM
Join AARP Sacramento for Let’s Talk Dinero: Destination: Mexico for an informative, FREE working on traveling to Mexico. Learn insider information for each destination, safety, driving, pesos, speaking Spanish and so much more! IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE
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With Senior Legal Hotline (“SLH”)
July 3, Thursday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
This presentation will be about Social Security retirement benefits. Specifically, we will discuss eligibility rules, including what it means to receive benefits before, during, or after normal retirement age and eligibility requirements to receive spouse’s, divorced spouse’s, or widow’s/widower’s benefits. The presentation will also discuss the Social Security Fairness Act, which eliminated the Windfall Elimination Provision, and the Government Pension Offset. This change increases Social Security benefits for certain types of public employees. ONLINE AND IN-PERSON in Community Room. FREE
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With the Alzheimer’s Association
July 10, Thursday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
In this class Financial Advisor, Scott Roseveare, will discuss solutions to one of the fastest-growing financial issues facing seniors – paying for major medical expenses, such as in-home care, assisted living and skilled nursing – especially as it relates to the costs of dementia care.  He will provide education about the government-insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (the new reverse mortgage) and discuss strategies on how this HECM program can help seniors prepare for and help pay for medical needs and major life events. Alexandra Weisgerber from the Alzheimer’s Association will provide an overview of Alzheimer’s and Dementia and discuss available resources in the community. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room. FREE
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With Tony Yee, Chief Pharmacist Officer
July 24, Thursday, 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Discover how prescription discount cards can help you save money on medications! In this engaging session, we’ll break down how these cards work, their benefits, and the pros and cons to consider. Bring your questions—our session wraps up with a Q&A to ensure you leave feeling informed to make the best choices for your health and budget! IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE
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With Legal Services of Northern California, Senior Legal Hotline
August 7, Thursday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Planning for the future is crucial, particularly for seniors. Estate and advance planning requires numerous practical and legal considerations. In the face of such complexity, many seniors are presented with false information about what they need to effectively plan their estates. During this presentation, SLH advocates will outline the estate and advance planning process and discuss myths and traps that many seniors encounter in planning their estates. Topics to be covered will include: 1) Requirements for executing different types of wills; 2) Pros and cons of living trusts; 3) Brief description of the probate process; 4) Powers of Attorney; 5) Advance Health Care Directives; and 6) Protecting against financial abuse and exploitation when engaging estate planning professionals. ONLINE AND IN-PERSON in Community Room. FREE
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With Robin Withrow-Wong, MS, RDN
June 12, Thursday, 10:30 – 11:30 AM
Most of us are looking for easy ways to improve our nutrition so that we have energy and health to live our best life. And we don’t want to spend all day cooking! Join Robin and learn how to use the FAB FOUR FOODS that boost your nutrition and are easy to combine in one meal giving your body the nutrition it needs to feel good and you the time you want out of the kitchen. ONLINE and IN-PERSON in Community Room. FREE
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Instructor: Jeani Kim-Slesicki, CYT 200HR Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9:00 – 9:30 AM
Free 30 minute yoga clinic on Sun Salutation. Start slow with “many breaths to 1 movement” then gradually flow into a final “1 breath: 1 movement” set. Only Minimal cues given (breath, pose and if needed, few modifications) for five rounds, then a parting Namaste! ONLINE ONLY
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Instructor: Rowena Alberto
Mondays, 9:00 – 9:45 AM
This exercise program starts with slow music for stretching, followed by more lively music with easy steps and moves in sitting and standing positions. Active or not, anyone can participate in this fitness program. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room
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Instructor: Joaquin Ngarangad
Mondays, March 31 – May 12, 10:15 – 11:15 AM
Starting on May 19, time change to 11:00a – 12:00 PM
For beginning and intermediate levels, this holistic experience benefits the body, mind, and spirit. Techniques for stretching and strengthening are explored through the sequential poses associated with breathing. Dress in appropriate workout attire and have a yoga mat, blocks, straps, large towel and/or small pillow. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room
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With Debbi Fabiani
Mondays, 12:30 – 2:30 PM
This line dance class is for everyone whether you’ve danced never or forever. Join to learn line dance step terminology & dances to all types of music (rhythm & blues, oldies, country, etc.). This is great exercise in an encouraging environment! You’ll end up knowing dances you can do wherever music is played such as at parties with family & friends, wedding receptions, class reunions & even in department stores!. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room
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Instructor: Geno Torres, Group Exercise Instructor Certified
Tuesdays, 9:00 – 9:45 AM
Standing Pilates is a series of exercises that come from the classical pilates mat. The benefits of standing as opposed to on-the-floor mat exercises come from the emphasis on balance and shifting of body weight while staying true to the focus on core strength and alignment in an upright position. This class improves balance, strength, and flexibility which can prevent many types of injuries. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room
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Instructor: Geno Torres, Group Exercise Instructor Certified
Tuesdays, 10:00 – 10:45 AM
Geno, who has taught aerobics and chair fitness for 35 years, is bringing us a new chair aerobic class that incorporates low impact movement with fun choreography for improved balance, strength and flexibility. In this class we will incorporate light weights for toning.ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room
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Instructor: Amy Nelson
Mondays, March 31 – May 12, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Class change to Tuesdays starting on May 20,  11:00 AM – 11:45 PM
Low impact strength training with weights that includes exercises for balance, coordination and mobility. Class includes standing exercises as well as some mat work and a cool down on the floor. Please bring your fitness or yoga mat to class. IN-PERSON in Community Room
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In collaboration with Agency On Aging Area 4
Tuesdays and Thursdays starting April 1 – May 13, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
It Works! You’ll be stronger, have better balance, feel better and this will help you stay independent, active and prevent falls. The instructors are experienced, skilled and exercises have been curated specifically for seniors. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE
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Instructor: Michelle Ernster, Health Educator
Tuesdays, 3:15 – 4:00 PM
No Class April 8, May 20 and June 17
Come Join the Greater Sacramento Women’s Brain Health Program (GROW)!
This unique blend of exercise and brain health education will elevate your overall well being! In this class you will:
• Strengthen your body
• Boost your energy and vitality
• Do a highly effective low-impact workout for all fitness levels
• Learn practical tips for a healthy brain
IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE
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Leaders: Sunny Jung, Jeannie Fong, Richard Kashiwada
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Pickleball is a cross between tennis, badminton and table tennis. It is fun, easy to play, and a great way to exercise. We offer open play hours and sessions depending on weather, and times are subject to change. Court shoes required. Maximum: 30 players/day. Beginner Clinics will be offered periodically. IN-PERSON at Pickleball Courts.
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Coach: Sam Mok
Tuesdays, 5:00 – 6:00 PM
A partnership of learning how to harness “Chi” and release the energy to improve one’s internal strength. This class allows beginners and seasoned practitioners of all styles the opportunity to share and experience the “internal” health benefits of Tai Chi. This class will begin with simple exercises to find and expand one’s own “Chi” and then through the collaboration of Sensing Push Hands, share and explore ways to enhance the energy beyond the physical force. IN-PERSON in Community Room. 
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Instructor: Dennis Shimosaka 
Tuesdays, 6:00 – 7:00 PM
We are focusing on easy meditation and healing practices using Tao Calligraphy tracing to remove the negative Chi (ancient Chinese wisdom) energy and promote increased health and reduce anxiety, pain, and stress. ONLINE ONLY FREE
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Instructor: Diane Letoto
Wednesdays, 11:00 – 12:00 PM
Participants in Energy in Motion (EIM) within Cultural Folk Dance will learn different Chinese and Japanese folk dances. Classes will begin with easy exercises that can be done standing or sitting in a chair to stimulate blood and energy flow, increase range of motion, and improve coordination and balance (for those who participate standing). While learning different dances, participants will also learn the cultural, social, and/or historical background of the dance. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room
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Instructor: YMCA
Wednesdays, 1:30 – 2:15 PM
Using seated and standing exercises, this class increases strength, flexibility, and balance while focusing on the breath. The instructor guides participants in enhancing stability to help prevent falls. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room  
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Instructor: Stella Chuk, Tai Chi Instructor  
Thursdays, 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Tai chi chuan is one of the major Chinese martial arts. This exercise combines relaxation and emotion with precise breathing to stimulate the inner energies of the body, strengthening the immune system and nervous system. IN-PERSON in Community Room
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GENTLE YOGAJeani-Kim-Slesicki
Instructor: Jeani Kim-Slesicki, CYT 200HR Trauma Informed Yoga Instructor
Thursdays, 12:30 – 1:30 PM
This beginner to intermediate level yoga class, which includes breathing exercises and meditation, will focus on balance, circulation, stretching and strengthening from standing/seated Hatha Yoga poses. Props, such as bolster, blocks, strap, towel/blanket, are recommended, but not required to participate. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room
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Instructor: Brian Olden, Tang Soo Do Master
Starting April 11, Thursdays, 2:00 – 3:00 PM
This class is for people living with a Parkinson’s diagnosis and their partners. Learn Tang Soo Do, a traditional Korean Martial Art, and help improve your balance, coordination and fitness, and reduce your risk of falling. Learning a new skill is fun, gets you out of the house, and is good for your brain health. Please email if interested. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. One time fee required from instructor.
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Instructor: Denny Fong, Tai Chi Instructor
Fridays, 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Tai Chi is a unique martial art that trains the mind and body to relax. Whether the focus is on health or martial art, good health can be achieved immediately regardless of skill level. Various styles of Tai Chi hand and weapon forms will be offered for balance, strength, and flexibility. We will also practice the art of breathing through Qigong forms. The internal practice of push hands could be introduced when the fundamentals are mastered. Join us in this enriching class and discover greater balance, serenity, and well-being. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room
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Instructor: Joaquin Ngarangad 
Fridays, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
This class will consist of warmups and low-impact cardio dances to disco, rock, Motown, and hip-hop music. Dress in appropriate workout attire and shoes. Have a bottle of water handy and a regular non-wheeled chair for stretching. No yoga mats are required. ONLINE & IN-PERSON in Community Room
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Facilitated by: Cyber Seniors
Fridays, 10:00 – 11:30 AM
Are you excited to explore the fascinating world of technology as an older adult? Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills or stay connected with loved ones, a wealth of knowledge is waiting for you to discover. IN-PERSON ONLY in Computer Lab. FREE
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With Rob Liem
By Appointment Only
If you’re new to your smartphone, tablet or laptop, you can get patient, step-by-step assistance to familiarize yourself with your devices in a friendly, stress-free environment.  The sessions are catered toward newbies, and will only cover the basics of each device.  Detailed App help will not be covered. Sessions are by appointment only to ensure dedicated support tailored to your needs. To schedule an appointment, please call 925-579-3210. IN-PERSON ONLY in Computer Lab. 


If you have long lasting symptoms after being positive with COVID-19, you are not alone! If you are interested in being a part of a support group, please email Mike Lee at

Class Leader: Soojin Yoo
Apr 24, Thursday, 1:00 – 5:00 PM
Dealing with Dementia is an evidence-informed educational program developed by Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers. It is a four-hour workshop that helps caregivers understand dementia, manage problem behaviors, and take better care of themselves. Participants receive a copy of the Dealing With Dementia Guidebook with Information such as dementia caregiving experience, useful safety tips, advice on building a care team, problem-solving tools, instructions on managing dementia behaviors, stress management, and self-care resources. Full attendance of the four-hour workshop and brief pre/post paperwork are required to receive a copy of the Guidebook and to ensure the best learning outcomes. Pre-registration is required by completing online registration or contacting Soojin Yoo at (916) 503-5386 or IN-PERSON ONLY in Computer Lab. FREE
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April 9, May 14, June 11, Wednesdays, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
April 24, May 22, June 26, Thursdays, 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Caring for someone you love brings you the joy of giving back, but can also present challenges. If you are an informal family caregiver in need of support while going through this difficult journey, join us in our monthly support group meetings. You will be provided with informational guidance and emotional support from other caregivers and staff. For more information and registration, please contact Soojin Yoo, MSW, Social Worker (916) 503-5386 or email to register. ONLINE ONLY. FREE.
Register to Join Online

In collaboration with Alzheimer’s Association and Sacramento Public Library
Jun 11, Wednesday, 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Memory Connections is an informal social gathering for those living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and early-stage dementia, and their care partners. Join us at ACC Senior Services for a fun afternoon of games, such as cornhole, bowling, and golf putting, all while socializing and enjoying light refreshments. Last day to register is Friday, June 6th. FREE To register, please contact Bonnie at 800-272.3900 or

Leader: Mike Lee
April 21, May 19, June 16, Third Monday of the month, 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Pre-registration is required
When was the last time you played outdoor games just for fun? It’s time to reconnect with your inner kid! Join us for Carnival Game Day filled with friendly competition, laughter, popcorn, and classic outdoor games like cornhole, frisbee, golf putting, and more! This is a great chance to meet new people, socialize, and enjoy an exciting morning of fun (and win some prizes!). Plus, the games are designed for all abilities, so everyone can join in! Please make sure you sign up in advance! IN-PERSON on Patio.
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Tuesdays, 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Fridays, 12:30 – 2:30 PM – Bridge Only
We invite you to join us for weekly card games! We have Bridge, Texas Hold Em’ (Poker), and more as we gain interest. Come meet new people, win some prizes, and learn a new game! No experience is necessary. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE

Organizer: Donna Black
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00a – 12:00 PM
Join us for some fun, casual activities and get to know others in the area! We will have coffee and tea, snacks, and activities like board games, puzzles, education, and some special outings. Bring a friend, meet a friend, and stay connected. IN-PERSON in Culinary Center. Must sign up for special outings at least a week in advance. FREE

Organizer: Gee Kong
Thursdays, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Have you ever been interested in knitting or crocheting? Do you have a bunch of extra yarn and want to work on something new? Come by our casual, social get-together where you can learn new techniques, work on some new crafts, and just socialize. IN-PERSON in Culinary Center. FREE

Fridays, 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Join us every Friday for some Bingo fun, prizes, and social engagement. Refreshments are offered after every session, so stick around for some socialization! We are also looking for small prize donations (Please refer to the list of acceptable donations on our website). IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room.

With Melissa Andrews
April 15, Tuesday, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Looking for a fun and creative way to welcome Spring? Join us for a delightful Stenciling Workshop, where no artistic ability is required—yes, even left-handers are welcome! In this class, you’ll learn simple, step-by-step techniques to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind Spring Theme cards. Perfect for birthdays, weddings, holidays or any occasion! IN-PERSON ONLY in Classroom 2
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With Sandy Fong Whetstone
May 22, Thursday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Class Limit – 20
$17 – Without ACC Membership
$10 – With ACC Membership
Bring your photos and we’ll provide the rest! In this fun collage class, you will bring new life to your old photos by creating a unique and personalized art from your favorite memory! Bring any fancy paper, old maps, handwritten /typed letters, or sheet music to add a personal touch to your collage. Other supplies will be provided (paper, scissors, adhesive). IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. 
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Instructor: Terry Herink
May 27, Tuesday, 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Prepayment Required
$35 for ACC Members
$42 for Non-ACC Members
Class limit – 12
The days are getting longer, the leaves and flowers are beginning to burst out, and it will soon be time to get out the shorts! Gardens are providing materials that have evolved providing new opportunities for use. Bring some of nature’s beauty into your home. Create a spring floral arrangement with a Japanese flair reflecting the less is more motto, that can be used in future arrangements with flowers any season. Terry Herink is a Sensei with the Ikenobo School of ikebana. Supplies needed: vase of your choice, garden scissors for cutting stems, some means of anchoring the flowers e.g. pin frog (kenzan), wet oasis, etc., a table cover, and a Bucket. Flowers will be provided by the instructor. IN-PERSON ONLY in Culinary Center.
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With Helen Okamoto
May 29, Thursday, 10:30 AM  – 12:00 PM
Class limit – 20
Collage doesn’t depend on your being able to draw or paint to create a picture. You just need to cut and paste selected images from books and magazines to form your finished piece. The theme for this session is journey. All supplies are provided, please bring your own scissors. IN-PERSON ONLY in Community Room. FREE
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With Jeff Jong
Second Monday and Thursday of the Month, Starting Feb 10, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
A free-flowing class with hands-on lab sessions oriented towards completing personal projects. Projects may include editing or restoring photos, generating photo quality prints, albums, video, digital files, etc. Security specifications will be discussed, including access across the internet (Facebook, YouTube, Google Photos, etc.). Specific photo-video equipment usage such as cell phones, DSLR’s, & mirrorless cameras can also be addressed. Additional classes and lab sessions may be added, depending on each project’s needs and scheduling commonality. IN-PERSON ONLY in Computer Lab
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Instructor: Carla Fontanilla
Wednesdays, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
New and beginner ukulele players can learn easy-to-play chords to easy-to-sing tunes. Students learn to use chord diagrams, recognize chord changes, apply different strum patterns and rhythmic techniques that fit individual and group play and sing-along. Players looking to improve their ukulele playing are encouraged to join the “Ukes Tips & Tricks and Play-along that follows immediately after. Students learn songs of various genres, movable chords, rhythm and dynamics techniques, combining strumming and picking, develop good practice habits, and much more. IN-PERSON ONLY in Classroom 2.
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Instructor: Carla Fontanilla
4:00 – 4:30 PM Ukulele Tips & Tricks
4:30 – 5:30 PM Play-Along
Join us for Ukulele Tips & Tricks, learn ukulele strum patterns, playing techniques and chording skills, followed by a Play & Sing Along from 4:30 – 5:30 PM. Selection of songs for individuals or groups to play and sing along with the instructor. Standard and baritone uke players can test newfound Ukulele Tips & Trick skills as well. ONLINE ONLY.
Register to Join Online

Instructor: Sarah Wilms
Thursdays, 12:00 – 12:45 PM
Did you know singing can offer numerous physical and mental benefits, including improved lung capacity, better posture, reduced stress, and increased feelings of self-confidence? This singing group is a great way to explore your voice and enjoy the therapeutic and social benefits of singing. Each week we will explore different music genres and various different music experiences, including improvisation, songwriting, group singing, and vocal percussion. No materials needed – just bring yourself! IN-PERSON ONLY in Classroom 2. FREE
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Leader: Valen Lee
Monday – Friday, 7:30 – 8:45 AM
Learn to stimulate the mind to improve one’s health naturally, including stretching and breathing in ways to improve your flexibility. They focus on toning the muscles gently for better health, and learn the functions of relaxation through the Martial. The club meets every weekday to allow for practice regularly. This club is made up of people varying from all walks of life, come give it a try! IN-PERSON in Community Room.

Leader: Linda Fong
Mondays 12:00 – 3:00 PM
Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Mahjong is an old, fun, and popular tile-based game utilizing strategy, skill and luck. The game is a great way to socialize and improve brain function for all. No experience is required, so if you would like to try it, stop by! The game is easy to learn but hard to master – the more you play, the more you learn! IN-PERSON in Culinary Center.

Instructor: Mike Lee
Wednesdays,12:15 – 1:15 PM
Learn the graceful and beautiful movements of “Sinawali”, one major integral exercise of the Filipino Martial Arts. Sinawali means, “weave” or “weave pattern”. Learning double Sinawali will improve the following: Memory, dexterity, concentration, eye and hand coordination, balance, timing and body movement/exercise. There are no belts, tests, uniforms or cost and you learn at your own pace. This is not a self defense class. Sticks will be provided to all participants for the class to borrow. IN-PERSON in Community Room.

Instructor: Leimin Ignatowicz
Wednesdays, 2:30 – 4:30 PM
The ACC Chinese Singing Club is back! Whether you’re a beginner or pro, come by and enjoy singing with us. We make it fun, relaxing, and easy. In addition, on many occasions, the group performs at nearby senior living facilities. Speaking Chinese is not a requirement. All languages and backgrounds are welcome. Contact Josephine Lau with questions at IN-PERSON in Classroom 2.

Leaders: Jerry Miyamoto & David Teraoku
Second Thursday of the month, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Supported by the Parkinson’s Association, the group hopes to enhance the lives of those with Parkinson’s Disease, their families, and care partners. The meeting is free of charge. Contact Jerry (916) 441-1020 and David (916) 685-4162 with any questions. IN-PERSON in Board Room. FREE

Spanish-speaking Parkinson’s Support Group meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 – 7:30p. Please contact Kimberly for more information at 

Leaders: James Lee, Ivan Kwong
Monday & Thursday, 3:00 – 5:00 PM
Fridays, 3:30 – 5:30p
Ping Pong Club is back in the ACC Community Room! Games are timed and players are rotated. We welcome players of all skill-levels. Come give it a try! Contact James at with any questions. IN-PERSON in Community Room.

Leader: Jeff Jong
The club is for all enthusiasts of photography in which field trips are designated and the finished prints matted and displayed in ACC’s Gallery walls. Upcoming field trips include: The historic Chinese community of Locke (April 21), and a Bay Area Ferry cruise and tour from Vallejo to Fisherman’s Wharf, S.F. (June). The Gallery also displays works from the memberships own personal projects. All levels of photography and equipment are welcome (cell phones, etc.). Following each field trip, class sessions/lessons are held in the ACC Computer Lab to touch up, enhance, etc. the photos and submit them to print services. Afterwards the prints are matted and posted to the Gallery walls. Field Trips and carpools are usually announced to members or interested parties only. The club also provides occasional photo-video support for some of ACC events. Contact: or

Instructor: May Cheung
Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Learn the phonetics of Mandarin Chinese using Hanyu Pinyin. Upon completion, students should be at an advanced level and have a better understanding of the forming of sounds. Single and compound words are introduced through pronunciation drills. Limit: 6 students. IN-PERSON in Computer Lab.

Instructor: May Cheung
Thursdays, 11:00a – 12:00 PM
Learn the phonetics of Mandarin Chinese using Hanyu Pinyin. Upon completion, students should be able to grasp the basics and have a better understanding of the forming of sounds. Single and compound words are introduced through pronunciation drills. Limit: 6 students. IN-PERSON in Computer Lab.

Hmong Textiles and Clothing with Pachia Vang
ACC Music Makers with Gary Yee and Jane Nakagawa
Secrets of the Sacramento Room with James Scott
City of Immigrants and Their Impact on Sacramento's Food Culture
Life After Loss with Julie Interrante
Tales of a Professional Fiduciary
Thai Papaya Salad with Sou Saelee
Highlights of Koichi & Ellie Mizushima Concert
Join us for Cooking a la Heart!