If you could wave a magic wand, what would you wish for seniors in California?
While your wish may not come true immediately, it could work its way into the California Master Plan for Aging.
Governor Gavin Newsom is the driving force behind the Master Plan, to be delivered later this year. ACC President/CEO Darrick Lam is one of 34 professionals appointed to the Master Plan for Aging Stakeholder Advisory Committee (read story). Assisted by ACC Program Director Linda Revilla and Census Coordinator Poonie Holst, Darrick has held four “Sacramento Community Forums” since January.
At the Forums, community members share their ideas on what they would like to see included in the Master Plan. More Forums are being scheduled throughout Sacramento County.
Audience members of each Forum have given many different suggestions for the Master Plan. Reliable, integrated, ADA accessible public transportation is a popular suggestion. Affordable assistance in the home is an item that comes up often. Participants talk about the need for someone to help them do small chores, like changing ceiling lightbulbs or taking out the trash. People caring for an elderly loved one, or grandchildren, say they need information and assistance. And affordable housing has been brought up in each Forum. The need for more community resources is another frequently mentioned comment. Multigenerational programs and community education about the aging process, age-ism, and other senior-focused topics have been discussed.
One of the most intriguing suggestions is that there should be a “senior channel” on TV that would give information about resources and with programming geared toward senior interests.
Poonie Holst ends the presentations by addressing the need for everyone to participate in Census 2020, as much of the federal funding for social services and resources is allocated based on Census data.
To share your ideas at the Sacramento Community Forums, call ACC at (916) 393-9026 to find out when the next Forums will take place. Or submit your suggestions on the official website www.engageca.org.