By Lisa Poon, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, ACC Senior Services
2020 is undoubtedly a year we will never forget, yet one most of us are glad to see coming to an end. We kicked off 2020 with the usual excitement that a new year brings – plans to fill up our beautiful new facility, ACC Maple Tree Village; sprucing up ACC Greenhaven Terrace with fresh décor; new window treatments and bed linens at the ACC Care Center; and continuance of lifelong learning and social services provided through ACC Home and Community Based Programs.
And then came the global pandemic. March 2020 is a date that is imprinted in all of our minds, a date where the term “normal” took on a whole new meaning. We’ve seen the pandemic have the most significant impact on our senior population, the very people ACC has been serving every day for almost 50 years. Restrictions on where they can go and whom they can see has put an incredible strain on them and their family caregivers. The cancellation of in-person classes and workshops at ACC has further increased feelings of isolation. We long for the days when we can greet our friends with a hug or a handshake.
However, rather than give in to the urge to raise the white flag, ACC has risen to the challenge and has vowed to keep our seniors healthy and safe, and to provide the best and most “normal” life possible. As 2020 comes to an end, we hope you can make a generous year-end gift to help ACC continue its remarkable work to:
- Protect the health and safety of our residents, staff, and volunteers
- Keep seniors engaged through new online services such as virtual classes, workshops and support groups
- Provide transportation for essential appointments
- Create a “No Wrong Door” social services system for our community
Since the last publishing of ACC News, we have spent approximately $73,000 on COVID-19 testing and over $20,000 on Personal Protective Equipment. We ramped up ACC Online Learning with hundreds of seniors participating. With funding from SMUD, ACC purchased 50 laptop computers to help seniors develop computer skills and find employment.
Our employees in skilled nursing, assisted living, and our home and community based program departments have never been so resourceful and are the true heroes of ACC. With your year-end support, they can continue to rise to the challenges posed by COVID-19.
Bring it on, 2021 – we are ready for you!