Norman Fong

I Am Grateful for What ACC Has Done

Greetings, Friends of ACC. I want to give $10 million dollars to help continue funding the important and wonderful activities of ACC!!!!!!  

I hope this introductory sentence caught your attention to continue reading!!!! Yes, wouldn’t it be great if it were possible to make this statement come true???  

The Finance Committee would probably have a great time trying to determine how to invest the funds in a manner that would continue sustaining the operations and to help create more opportunities to further the mission of the ACC organization.

My name is Norman Fong. I have been asked to write a short message on “why I have volunteered to donate my time, effort and financial resources” to the “Asian Community Center of Sacramento Valley, Inc.”  

For me, it is very simple.  When I think about it, most people are usually motivated in life by one of two things:  FEAR or REWARD!!!

In my case, the reward is in the giving monetarily, as well as in donating my time and effort freely for a great cause.

As a former ACC President and former Board of Director member, I do have another reason.  I feel I have a vested interest in this organization to continue the legacy and to honor the many Founders.  People such as Chewy Ito, William Fong, MD, Phil Hiroshima, Esq., and many others who were the pioneers and visionaries, deserve to have their legacy expanded forward.   

I believed in ACC’s overriding mission to help the elderly in our community.  As a former health and medical care professional, I felt ACC’s goals resonated well with my career.  So, it was really a no-brainer for me to become involved.  As well, the friendships and relationships that I have developed as a result of working and volunteering with people at ACC have been rewarding over the years.  I give credit to the many volunteers who have demonstrated leadership tenacity and expounding on their visionary insights.  A few names come to mind to whom I want to give credit for challenging me by their example.  Folks like Winston Ashizawa, Wayne Shimizu, William Yee, Frances Lee, the Imagires, and many others have proven to be, and continue to be, dedicated volunteers committed to ACC for the long-haul.  I give them much respect and many kudos for their life-long service to ACC.  

Finally, for me, most importantly, by being able to give back to the community, I find it very comforting that I am able to do what I can for ACC.  I do feel a sense of pride.  I feel grateful and thankful for the opportunity over the years, especially during my most productive years, to have been given the chance to volunteer in many ways.  Helping elderly people, especially contributing to their well-being in the later stages of life, has provided me with a great sense of accomplishment.  I have heard some folks say “why not just spend more time just enjoying life” instead of always volunteering. Perhaps for some people that may be the case.  I believe each person needs to determine and allocate their resources and volunteer time as appropriate to meet their personal situation, balancing work life, family life, and personal life. 

Some people find joy in being in a community with other like-minded folks volunteering for a great cause such as ACC. I guess I happen to be in that group!!!

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