Senior Resource Guide
This guide was developed by the Bridge to Healthy Families care team at ACC Senior Services to provide informational support for seniors and their caregiving families in Sacramento County. Please note that staff of Bridge to Healthy Families is solely responsible for selecting and summarizing the information contained in this guide. Most information was obtained from agency websites. Please be aware that information on websites and services provided may change.
It is ACC Senior Services’ policy to provide informational referrals rather than to recommend specific service providers. You are encouraged to research care options and choose the ones that best match your needs.
To reach out to the communities with limited English proficiency, translated versions in different languages (Spanish, Chinese, and Korean) are available. We would like to acknowledge the effort of translators in making this endeavor possible.
The production of this guide was supported by funding from Agency on Aging Area 4.
Need Help with the Guide?
If you have any questions or concerns while using this guide, please feel free to call us at 916-503-5386 or send email to If you speak languages other than English, please do not hesitate to inquire in your own language. We will try to assist your needs to our best ability.
The guide has many hyperlinks to the information from online sources. If you prefer to have a printed copy, please let us know. Also, if you find the information you need is available in English only, we will do our best to provide you with the translation support.
Senior Resource Guide (other languages)
Adult Day Program
Name: Triple-R Club Refresh at Woodlake School
Address: 700 Southgate Rd Sacramento, CA 95815
Phone: 916-808-6475
Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Cost: $45/Day
Name: Triple-R Midtown at Hart Senior Center
Address: 915 27th St Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: 916-808-8375
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost: $80 Full Day, $60 Half Day
Name: Triple-R South Land Park
Address: 5962 S Land Park Dr Sacramento, CA 95822
Phone: 916-808-4003
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost: $80 Full Day, $60 Half Day
Name: St. Francis Adult Day Care
Website: N/A
Address: 6254 66th Ave Sacramento, CA 95823
Phone: 916-393-2324
Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Cost: $150 One-time assessment fee
$50/Full day (8hrs)
$25/Half day (4hrs)
$100/Overnight stay
Name: Revere Court Day Club
Address: 7707 Rush River Dr Sacramento, CA 95831
Phone: 916-392-3510
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Cost: $80+ Day
Families without Medi-Cal can use day programs with Medi-Cal Community- Based Adult Services (CBAS). Their private pay option is usually at $70-80 per day. Please call following locations for more information.
- Altamedix Adult Day Health Center
4234 North Freeway Blvd. #500, Sacramento, CA 95834
916-648-3999 - Rancho Cordova Adult Day Health Care Center
10086 Mills Station Road, Sacramento, CA 95827
916-368-7728 - Kingdom Living ADHC
620 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, CA 95811
916-444-7700 - Love Joy Adult Day Health Care Center
10293 Rockingham Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827
PACE also provides day program for the participating seniors. Please see page 20 for more information.
Adult Protective Service (APS)
APS program is run by the Sacramento County Health and Human Services department to maintain the health and safety of elders (age 60+) and dependent adults (age 18-59). Anyone who has concerns about the wellbeing of vulnerable people can call to report and ask for help. The types of abuse to be reported are:
- Physical/Sexual Abuse
- Neglect/Self-Neglect
- Financial Abuse
- Abandonment
- Isolation
- Abduction
- Psychological/Verbal Abuse
Call 916-874-9377 to report and submit a written report within two days. A copy of report can be obtained at the website below:
Agency on Aging Area 4 (AAA4)
AAA4 is one of Area Agencies created to provide home and community-based services for older adults and their caregiving families under the Older American Act (1965). AAA4 develops and monitors various support services for older adults and their informal caregivers residing in seven counties of Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba.
To learn more about the services available through AAA4, call 916-486-1876 or review their current service directory at
Caregiver Support Groups
Name: ACC Senior Services Family Caregiver Support Groups
*Due to COVID, all meetings are held via zoom.
Phone #: 916-503-5386
Location: 7334 Park City Drive Sacramento, CA 95831
Schedule: Every 2nd Wednesday Noon – 1:30 pm
Every 4th Thursday
6:30 – 8:00 pm
Name: Alzheimer’s Association Support Groups
*Due to COVID, all support groups are hosted via phone or video conference for the time being.
Phone #: 800-272-3900
Location: Multiple locations
Schedule: Multiple schedules
Name: Revere Court Support Groups
*Due to COVID, all support groups are held via zoom.
Phone #: 916-392-3510
Location: 7707 Rush River Drive, Sacramento, CA 95831
Schedule: Every Wednesday 10am
Name: Eskaton Support Groups
*Due to COVID, all support groups are held virtually.
Phone #: 916-334-1072 or 866-375-2866
Location: Multiple locations
Schedule: Multiple schedules
Name: Senior Care Solutions Men’s Support Group
*Due to COVID, all meetings are held via zoom.
Phone #: 916-965-5565
Location: 8910 Sunset Ave Suite B
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Schedule: Every 3rd Tuesday (family at home) and Thursday (family at care facility)
2:00 – 3:30pm
Name: Parkinson’s Association of Northern California Support Group
*Due to COVID, call or email the support leader to be sure your meeting is being held. Meetings open to all via zoom.
Phone #: 916-357-6641
Location: Multiple locations
Schedule: Multiple Schedules
Name: Alzheimer's Aid Society
Phone #: (916) 483-2002
Location: Multiple Locations
Schedule: Every Tuesday - 9:30AM - 11AM, Every Wednesday - 7PM - 8:30PM, Every Thursday - 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Caregiver Support Services
The following two non-profit agencies provide various support services for family caregivers at no cost. Client contribution is gladly accepted to support the programs.
Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center
- Specialized Information
- Family Consultation/Case Management
- Respite Care
- Short-Term Counseling
- Legal/Financial Consultation
- Education and Training
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for services, a client must be caring for an adult with a cognitive impairing condition that occurred after the age of 18 (for example: dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease) or caring for someone age 60 and older regardless of diagnosis and requiring assistance with two or more activities of daily living. Services are for residents of the 13- County service area—Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties.
Contact info: 8421 Auburn Blvd #265, Citrus Heights, CA 95610, 916-728-9333
ACC Family Caregiver Support Program – Bridge to Healthy Families
- Care Assessment and Home Safety Check
- Care Consultation and Management
- Benefits Check Up
- Educational Workshop and Support Group
- In-Language Service available for Families with Limited English Proficiency (Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hmong, Tagalog, Spanish, etc)
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for services, a client must be a family member or a primary unpaid informal caregiver caring for an older adult (age 60 years or older) or an individual of any age with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or a related disorder. Both caregiver and care receiver must reside in Sacramento County.
Contact info: 7334 Park City Dr, Sacramento, CA 95831, 916-503-5386
Home Safety for Seniors
Statistics show that 1 in 3 seniors falls every year. Injuries caused by falls often lead to severe impairment of their mobility and independence.
Factors to be assessed and modified to ensure safety of seniors are their medical conditions, level of balance/mobility, and home environment. Check the following resources to prevent falls and ensure safety at home for your loved one.
Home Fall Prevention Checklist for Older Adults by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Easy to read checklist to assess fall risks and recognize possible modification needs.
California Fall Prevention Center of Excellence
Factsheets and checklists are available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
National Council on Aging (NCOA)
NCOA’s National Falls Prevention Center provides fall prevention resources for seniors/caregivers and information on evidence-based programs proven to reduce the fall risk in senior population.
Rebuilding Together Sacramento
A non-profit organization specialized in home safety assessment and modification services. Any household with safety/accessibility concerns can use services, and free service is available for low-moderate income families. 916-455-1880
Informational Resources for Caregiving Families
National Center on Caregiving-Family Caregiver Alliance
Toll-free caregiver help line: 1-800-445-8106
Useful tips and factsheets in different languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese) are available at
Alzheimer’s Association
24/7 Helpline: 1-800-272-3900
Website is available in different languages. For Spanish, click ‘En Español’ in the main menu. For other languages, click ‘Select Languages’ in the bottom right corner of main page.
Parkinson’s Association of Northern California
Contact by calling 916-357-6641 (office hours vary) or emailing:
American Society on Aging
Free webinars are available for older adults and caregivers.
National Institute on Aging
AARP Caregiving
Benefits Check Up by National Council on Aging (NCOA)
Free online service to check your eligibility for benefits to pay for food, medicine, rent, and other daily expenses.
In-Home Care
Growing number of older adults and their caregiving families hire in-home care services to make their goal of aging-in-place possible. Some families choose to hire help from in-home care agencies licensed and regulated by state government. According to the data from CA Department of Social Services, there are 61 agencies currently operating in the Sacramento County (July 2021). Check the website below for the list of agencies and their contact information: (Select Home Care Organization) Basic information on these providers is:
- Non-medical care (assistance with activities of - daily living, meal preparation, transportation, light housekeeping, companionship, etc.) is provided.
- Hourly rate is $35 and up
- Minimum number of hours required in many cases.
- Paid by private-pay, some long-term care insurance policies, and VA benefit for wartime veterans and their spouses with limited income and asset.
Legal Planning
Families with older adults need to consider having the following documents ready and keep them up-to-date by reviewing them regularly.
Living Trust
With a living trust, your assets are put into the trust during your lifetime and transferred to your beneficiaries when you die. Most people name themselves as the trustee who manages assets. This allows you to control the living trust assets during your lifetime. You also can revoke or change your living trust. One advantage of a living trust is that the assets do not go through probate, and distributing assets often takes less time. For more information on living trust in California, check:
Not everyone needs a living trust. Your assets in joint accounts or with designated beneficiaries will be distributed accordingly at the time of death. If your estate is valued at $166,250 or less, it may qualify for a non-formal probate case and transferred without court process. For more information, check:
A will is a legal document that dictates how your assets will be distributed after your death. Probate is required for the assets to be distributed under the supervision of the court.
You can find a simple will form at:
Durable Power of Attorney for Finance
A Durable Power of Attorney for Finance is a legal document where you can name the individuals who would act in your place managing finances and business affairs when you are incapacitated. For more information, check:
For Spanish information, check:
For Chinese information, check:
Advance Health Care Directive
An Advance Health Care Directive is a legal document where you can 1) name the individuals who would make health care decisions for you when you are incapacitated, and 2) state your end-of-life care choices. For more information, check:
For Spanish information, check:
For Chinese information, check:
For Korean information, check:
California’s easy-to-read advanced health care directive form is available in ten different languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Armenian, Farsi, Khmer, Korean, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese) at:
POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment)
Very old or seriously ill patients need to have this form ready to control over their end-of life care, including CPR, full treatment with antibiotics, use of ventilator for breathing, and tube feeding. Both patient and doctor sign the form for it to be effective. Medical care providers need to have it filed, and seniors at home should display the completed form at places that are easily noticed (refrigerator, bed post, etc.). For more information, check:
For Spanish information, check:
For Chinese information, check:
POLST form is available in eleven different languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Armenian, Farsi, Japanese, Korean, Pashto, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese) at:
Please note that translated versions are for reference only. Actual form needs to be completed and signed in English.
Medi-Cal is federal and state funded health insurance program for people with low-income. Under Medi-Cal, there are many categories that serve different populations and their needs. For seniors who are ages 65 and over, the following four programs are most commonly considered:
- SSI-linked Medi-Cal
If you get Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you get full scope Medi-Cal automatically. You do not need to fill out any additional paperwork.
- Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Program (A&D FPL)
This is a full scope Medi-Cal program for people who meet all two eligibility criteria below:
65 and over or blind, or disabled
Monthly countable income less than $1,732 (individual) or $2,352 (couple)
For more detailed information on how to calculate countable income, please check the website below:
- Aged, Blind and Disabled – Medically Needy Program (ABD – MN)
This program is for people who meet the first criteria of A&D FPL listed above but have higher monthly income. You can get Medi-Cal but have to pay monthly Share of Cost (SOC). If you need assistance estimating your SOC or exploring ways to reduce/remove it, please contact ACC at 916-503-5386.
- 250% Working Disabled Program (250% WDP)
This is a Medi-Cal program for people who meet all three criteria below:
Meet Social Security’s definition of disability
Working with countable income less than $3,138 (individual) or $4,258 (couple)
Unearned income is less than SSI/SSP benefit amount (excluding disability income)
For more information, check:
For more Spanish information, check:
For more detailed Chinese information, check:
There are four ways to apply for Medi-Cal.
- In-Person
You can visit the Sacramento County office to apply in-person. Please bring necessary documents including ID, Social Security Card, immigration documents (non-citizen), documents with current address, income verification documents, resource verification documents, vehicle registration, medical bills, etc.
Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance
2700 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, CA 95821
1725 28th St, Sacramento,CA 95816
3960 Research Dr, Sacramento,CA 95838
5747 Watt Ave, North Highlands, CA 95660
2450 Florin Road, Sacramento, CA 95822
210 North Lincoln Way Galt, CA 95632
- By Mail
Download and print application at the link below according to your language need. Form is available in 11 different languages. Make sure to use the application WITH financial assistance to apply for Medi-Cal.
Return the competed form to the address below:
Covered California
P.O. Box 989725, West Sacramento, CA 95798-9725
- By Phone
Call Sacramento County Dept. of Human Assistance at 1-800-560-0976 to apply.
- Online
You can submit an online application at the link below:
Medi-Cal Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS)
Qualifying seniors can benefit from many long term care services that are paid by Medi-Cal. This is one of the major differences between Medicare and Medi-Cal. Medicare rarely pays for long term care services except short-term rehab at skilled nursing facility, limited home health and physical therapy, hospice care, etc.
- In Home Supportive Services (IHSS)
This program pays for the services people need to safely stay at home, including house cleaning, meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, personal care services, accompaniment to medical appointments, and protective supervision for the mentally impaired.
Seniors or anyone who knows the need of seniors can apply by calling Sacramento County IHSS at 916-874-9471. Heath Care Certification (SOC873) will be sent by mail, which need to be signed by doctor and returned to County before due date. Then, case worker will visit home for assessment. When assessment is authorized, you will be notified of the number of hours for service and asked to find a provider for you. Assistance is available if you cannot find a provider. Whole application process and provider registration can take up to 90 days.
If you are a family member who plans to become IHSS provider, visit Sacramento County IHSS Public Authority website and review necessary information:
- Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) previously known as Adult Day Health Care (ADHC)
Seniors and adults with chronic medical, cognitive, or mental health problems can attend day programs where they receive health care services and participate in socialization / enrichment activities. Transportation and meals are also provided. There are four locations in Sacramento County:
Altamedix Adult Day Health Center
4234 North Freeway Blvd. #500, Sacramento, CA 95834
Kingdom Living ADHC
620 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, CA 95811
Love Joy Adult Day Health Care Center
10293 Rockingham Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827
- Multipurpose Senior Services Program(MSSP)
MSSP provides care coordination and case management services for frail seniors who qualify for Medi-Cal with no share of cost. The goal is to provide support for the seniors to live safely at home utilizing services and resources, including in-home care, day program, transportation, medical equipment, incontinence products, etc.
California Health Collaborative is the provider for this program in Sacramento County. Visit the website in the link below and call 916-374-7739 to apply.
- Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
PACE is Medicare/Medi-Cal funded all-inclusive care program for frail seniors who are at risk of placement at nursing home. Members receive all the benefits from Medicare and Medi-Cal and more, including medical / dental / vision care, acute hospital care, nursing home care, medication, physical / occupational / speech therapy, medical equipment, ongoing case management, adult day health program, home health, in home care, etc.
There are two providers for this program in Sacramento County. Please visit the websites below for more information;
- Assisted Living Waiver (ALW)
Medi-Cal pays for assisted living care for qualified aged and disabled residents of Sacramento County under ALW. Seniors with Medi-Cal (no share of cost) who need nursing facility level of care but want to live at assisted living setting can contact one of Coordination Agencies to start application process.
Blossom Ridge Care Coordinating Agency (800-991-6147)
Elder Options, Inc. (530-626-6939)
Guidant Care Management (844-494-6303)
Home and Health Care Management (530-343-0727)
NorCal Care Coordinator Agency (916-385-2784)
Senior Care Solutions Inc. (916-965-5565)
Star Nursing Inc. (916-542-1445)
- Institutional Long Term Care
Care cost to stay as a long-term resident at skilled nursing facility is very high; many nursing home residents in California have part or all of their care paid by Medi-Cal. If you have income and resources that meet Medi-Cal standard, you can get assistance with nursing home cost. Refer to Medi-Cal information in this guide to see which Medi-Cal program you are qualified.
Under Spousal Impoverishment Measure, different resource and income guidelines apply when only one spouse needs care. This is to ensure provisions for the non-Medi-Cal spouse to live sufficiently in the community. For example, if one spouse is entering nursing home, and the other spouse lives at home, the couple can have up to $137,400, not including the home and other exempt assets (for example, IRAs and retirement funds). This is called Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA). Also, the spouse living at home is allowed to keep a monthly income of $3,435 (with the addition of institutionalized spouse’s income) or his/her own individual income, whichever is greater. This Measure also applies to the couple who are in need of Medi-Cal Home and Community Based Services.
For more detailed Spanish information, check:
For more detailed Chinese information, check:
Medicare is health insurance for seniors, people with disability, and people with permanent kidney failure who need dialysis or a kidney transplant. It is run by Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and most people sign up through Social Security Administration.
Medicare has three different components to help cover specific services. Visit Medicare website for more information:
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)
Part A covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care.
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
Part B covers certain doctors' services, outpatient care, medical supplies, and preventive services.
Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage)
Part D is prescription drug plans offered by insurance companies and other private companies approved by Medicare.
Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage Plans) is a type of health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide you with all your Part A, Part B, and usually Part D benefits.
Medicare Supplement Insurance or Medigap is optional coverage to help pay for some cost that is not covered by Original Medicare (Part A and B)
There are many different eligibility criteria for you to qualify for Medicare coverage, so it is best to review detailed program information at website. Members who do not enroll when they first qualify have to pay a penalty, so it is very important to plan ahead and research options and timeline:
Please note that Medicare website is available in Spanish at:
You can find Chinese Medicare information at:
You can find Korean Medicare information at:
If you have questions about your Medicare, call 1-800-633-4227 or your local SSA offices at the numbers listed below.
For Spanish assistance, follow the Spanish directions to be connected to an agent
For other languages, press 0 when connected. When a live representative answers, say the name of your preferred language and an interpreter will be contacted to help you communicate.
If you are calling for your loved one, you need to call with him/her present as he/she will be asked to verify personal information and give permission for you to speak.
Or, you can fill out and turn in the authorization form in the link below in advance:
For in-person consultation, visit Social Security Administration office near your location. You have a right to request interpretation service at no cost. There are three Social Security Administration offices in Sacramento County.
*Due to COVID, SSA offices provide service by phone. Limited in-person assistance available by appointment.
- 8581 Folsom Blvd A, Sacramento, CA 95826
877-274-5419 - 40 Massie Ct, Sacramento, CA 95823
866-708-3208 - 2424 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825
HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program)
For individual consultation on issues with Medicare, schedule an appointment with a HICAP counselor. Call 916-376-8915 or 1-800-434-0222 to schedule a 1-hour, free, confidential, appointment with a registered HICAP Medicare counselor to get help with your Medicare questions, choices, and rights.
Cost Assistance Programs for Medicare Members with Low-Income
Medicare Savings Program
Four programs (QMB, SLMB, QI, QDWI) are available to help low-income families pay Medicare premiums and out-of-pocket costs. Please check the website for income and resource guideline for each program:
Extra Help
Low-income families can qualify for this program to help pay for Medicare prescription drug plan cost:
Nutrition Programs
CalFresh (Formerly Food Stamps)
*During the pandemic, all CalFresh participants receive maximum benefit amount. The amount has been temporarily increased and extended month to month. Subject to change anytime.
Income-qualifying US Citizen or Permanent Resident families who have resided in the US for longer than 5 years can apply for this assistance to purchase the food they need. Lawful immigrant families who cannot apply for federally funded CalFresh program may still get benefits from state-funded California Food Assistance Program (CFAP). Visit their website at:
The amount of monthly benefit is decided according to the size of your household, income level, and living costs (rent, utility, medical expenses, etc).
As of June 2019, SSI recipients may also receive CalFresh benefit. Please check more information at:
To apply, choose one of the following:
By Phone: Call Sacramento County Dept. of Human Assistance at 916-874-3100.
In Person: Visit Sacramento County Dept. of Human Assistance offices.
*All offices are open at a limited capacity. Services via phone or online are recommended to avoid having to wait.
2700 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, CA 95821
10013 Folsom Blvd, Rancho Cordova, CA 95827
1725 28th St, Sacramento, CA 95816
3960 Research Dr, Sacramento, CA 95838
5747 Watt Ave, North Highlands, CA 95660
2450 Florin Rd, Sacramento, CA 95822
210 North Lincoln Way Galt, CA 95632
CalFresh outreach and application assistance is available by the following agencies;
- Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services 916-925-3240
- River City Food Bank 916-233-4075
Meals on Wheels by ACC (MoW)
MoW helps keep seniors in their homes and communities by providing nutritious meals, safety net services, social contact, community resource information and much more.
- Home delivered meals to homebound seniors in Sacramento County
- Community locations where seniors can dine with others (currently closed)
- Socialization and safety net services
- Nutrition education and senior resource information
- Menus are developed by a Registered Dietitian for healthy nutrition
For more information or to apply for home delivered meal service, please call 916-444-9533 or visit their website at:
Food for Seniors
Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services provide free food to low-income seniors. For more information;
Food Distribution
Visit the following websites if you are looking for food distribution sites around Sacramento Area;
Senior Housing Options
Seniors consider their physical/mental/cognitive health, care needs, and affordability in choosing where to live that suits their needs the best.
Independent Living
Many seniors age in place independently or with help from family caregivers/paid in-home services. Their home can be at single house, mobile home, apartment (market rate/HUD subsidized low-rent*), room rental**, or senior living community according to their preference and financial ability.
How to pay: private pay, HUD housing rate (30-40% of your income), VA Pension (Aid and Attendance) to cover in-home care cost, or some long term care insurance paying for in-home care services.
*Use the link below to find affordable housing options in Sacramento County. You need to contact and submit your application to each property.
**For AAA4 funded service, contact HomeShare American River at the website below or at 916-360-0074;
Assisted Living Facilities
This housing category, also known as Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE), provides non-medical assistance for seniors who need care with their activities of daily living. Services provided include:
- Room and board
- Housekeeping
- Supervision
- Transportation
- Personal care (bathing/medication management/dressing, etc.)
There are varieties to choose from in terms of the size, services and amenities available. You can live at small board and care homes (6 to 15 beds), large facilities, or memory care facilities according to your care needs, preference, and financial resources. The cost also varies very much. Basic rate start at $2,000 - $3,000, and all personal care items are a la carte that add up to the monthly cost. Memory care is usually the most expensive level of care that can cost near $5,000 to $7,000 per month.
ALFs are licensed and regulated by CA Department of Social Services. You can view the list of licensed facilities and their evaluation results on the website at the link below: (Select Elderly Assisted Living)
How to pay: private pay, SSI/SSP Non-Medical Board and Care Rate ($1,211.77 to RCFE / $154 for Personal Allowance), Medi-Cal Assisted Living Waiver, VA Pension, or long term care insurance.
Skilled Nursing Facilities
This option is for the seniors who need 24-hour nursing care and medical supervision. It is the most expensive level of care, which can cost $10,000 and up per month.
All skilled nursing facilities in California are licensed and regulated by Department of Public Health. Visit the following links to view the list of facilities in Sacramento County and compare evaluation results and ratings:
How to pay: private pay, Medicare ($0 co-pay for first 20 days/$194.50 coinsurance for days 21-100/all costs after 100th day), Medi-Cal Long Term Care (your income will be paid toward cost except $35 Personal Allowance/Medi-Cal pays rest), VA Pension, or long term care insurance.
Social Security
Many seniors rely on social security benefits as their income source. Most frequently considered programs are Social Security Retirement and Survivor Benefits, Disability Benefits, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Social Security Retirement and Survivor Benefits
If you have worked at least 10 years and paid Social Security taxes, you are qualified to start receiving monthly social security benefit between the age of 62 and 70. Also, your spouse for more than 1 year of marriage is entitled to 50% of your benefit. If you are divorced, you are eligible for spousal benefit if your marriage lasted longer than 10 years and you are unmarried.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
You are eligible for SSDI if 1) you have worked in jobs covered by Social Security and 2) you cannot work anymore due to a medical condition that meets Social Security’s definition of disability. SSDI benefits automatically change to retirement benefits when you reach full retirement age.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
If you are over 65, blind, or disabled with very limited income and asset, SSI provides monthly cash assistance up to $1040.21 (individual) and $1,765.64 (couple). Rates for blind beneficiaries are slightly higher.
In California, seniors who are ineligible to receive SSI due to their immigration status apply for CAPI, a state-funded Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants. Monthly CAPI amount is same as SSI.
How to receive more information on Social Security benefits and find which program you are qualified for:
- Review detailed information available from Social Security website.
- English:
- Spanish:
- Chinese:
- Korean:
If you do not have access to internet service or need assistance in obtaining this information in printed format, please call ACC at 916-503-5386.
- Call Social Security
Contact Social Security at their toll free number 1-800-772-1213 or local offices at the numbers below.
Spanish service: when connected, press 7 to speak to Spanish speaking representative.
For other languages: when connected, you will hear automation prompts for about 2 to 3 minutes and some. Remain silent until a live representative answers. Say the name of your language and an interpreter will be contacted to help you communicate.
When you call, have your social security number ready.
Please note that if you need to call for your loved one, complete and file the consent form to SSA in advance. The form is available online (SSA-3288).
- Visit Social Security Administration office near your location
If you speak languages other than English, you have a right to request interpretation service at no cost to help you better communicate. Please call and ask if the office you are visiting provides language assistance.
*Due to COVID, SSA offices provide service by phone. Limited in-person assistance available by appointment.
8581 Folsom Blvd A, Sacramento, CA 95826
40 Massie Ct, Sacramento, CA 95823
2424 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825
Name: SacRT GO Paratransit
*For COVID updates, visit their website
Phone: 916-321-2877 (press 2)
Service Area: Most communities around Sacramento area served by Regional Transit
Hours of Operation: 7 days per week 5 am – 11 pm (shorter service hours on weekends and holidays)
Cost: $5 Single Ride Monthly pass available for purchase
Name: ACC Rides
Phone: 916-393-9026 (ext 333)
Service Area: 95811, 95814, 95816, 95817, 95818, 95820, 95822, 95823, 95824, 95828, 95831, 95832, 95758, and Delta region
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8 am – 4:30 pm
Cost: $5 Suggested Contribution
Name: Elk Grove E-Van
Phone: 916-683-8726
Service Area: City of Elk Grove; To and From South Sacramento medical facilities
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 5:30 am – 10:30 pm Weekend 7 am – 6 pm
Cost: $3.50 Single Ride 10 days and monthly passes available for purchase
Name: Smart RT Ride On Demand Transit
*For COVID updates;
Phone: 916-556-0100
Service Area: Citrus Heights-Antelope-Orangevale; Franklin-South Sacramento; Rancho Cordova
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 6 am – 10pm (service hours vary for each zone)
Cost: $2.50 Basic Rate $1.25 Senior/Disabled Rate Free for Group of 5+
Name: Folsom Dial-A- Ride
Phone: 916-355-8347
Service Area: City of Folsom
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 5:25 am – 7:25 pm
Cost: $4 Single Ride
Name: GoGoGrandparent
Service for the elderly and their caregivers to use Uber/Lyft without a smartphone. Text alerts to family members available.
Phone: 855-464-6872
Service Area: National coverage including Sacramento
Hours of Operation: 24/7 monitored trip
Cost:Monthly membership fee plus Concierge Fee of $0.27 per minute in addition to Uber/Lyft fare
Utility Assistance
Low-Income Discount
- SMUD Energy Assistance Program Rate (EAPR) (Effective 2/1/2021)
Person In Household: 1-2
Monthly Income: $2,903
Person In Household: 3
Monthly Income: $3,660
Person In Household: Additional Members (Each)
Monthly Income: $757
Visit to apply online or print the mail-in application form (English and Spanish). Income verification is required.
- PG&E California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) (Until 5/31/2021)
Person in Household : 1-2
Annual Income: $34,840
Person in Household : 3
Annual Income: $43,920
Person in Household : Additional Members (Each)
Annual Income: $9,080
Visit to apply online or print the mail-in application form in multiple languages. Income verification is not requested at the time of application. Beneficiaries are subject to random income verification at any time.
Discount for Families with Medical Needs
SMUD and PG&E offer discount program for their members who need to use more electricity and gas due to their health issues. No income guidelines. Application needs to be verified by health care providers.
- SMUD Medical Equipment Discount ($15 per month)
English and Spanish application is available at:
Or call 1-888-742-7683 (language assistance available) and request mail-in application form.
- PG&E Medical Baseline Allowance
English, Spanish, Chinese application is available at:
Or call 1-800-743-5000 (language assistance available) and request mail-in application form.
Rate Assistance for Water / Sewer / Garbage Bill
Families who are getting the SMUD low-income discount can apply for rate assistance with their water / sewer / garbage bills from either Sacramento County or City of Sacramento, according to the location of their residence.
- Sacramento Utility Rate Assistance (City of Sacramento)
Apply online (English) or print application form (English, Spanish, Russian, Hmong, Vietnamese) at:
Or call 916-808-5454 to request mail-in application form.
- Consolidated Utilities Rate Assistance (Sacramento County)
English application is available at:
Or call 916-875-5555 to request mail-in application form.
Low-Income Discount for Phone Service: California LifeLine
Qualifying families with low-income or public benefit status can receive a discount on either their landline or wireless phone service.
- Program-Based Qualification: member of your household is enrolled in public assistance programs (SSI, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, Housing Assistance, CalWorks, etc)
- Income-Based Qualification (effective 6/1/2020-5/31/2021)
Persons in Household : 1-2
Annual Income: $28,500
Persons in Household : 3
Annual Income: $33,100
Persons in Household : Additional Members (Each)
Annual Income: $7,200
More information and online application/renewal option are available at: (available in multiple languages) Or call ACC Utility Assistance Program at 916-503-5809.
Low-Income Discount for Internet Service
- Access from AT&T
Families with at least one resident receiving CalFresh or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) can use AT&T internet service at a discounted rate.
To apply, visit!/ or call ACC Utility Assistance Program at 916-503-5809.
- Comcast Internet Essentials
Families with at least one resident receiving public benefits (SSI, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, Housing Assistance, LIHEAP, etc.) or VA pension can use Comcast internet service at $9.95 plus tax per month.
To apply, visit or call ACC Utility Assistance Program at 916-503-5809.
- Emergency Broadband Benefit
Eligible households receive up to $50 discount towards broadband service and one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a computer or tablet.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Income-eligible families receive one-time payment to cover their utility costs. Application can be made every 12 months;
ACC Utility Assistance Program
ACC provides free education and assistance with phone/internet bill and PG&E bill issues for seniors and families with limited English proficiency. If you need help, please call ACC at 916-503-5809 or send email to
VA Income Assistance Benefits for Veterans and Survivors
Veterans and their families can receive benefits and services provided by Veterans Affairs (VA) to help them paying for their cost of living and care. Please review the website listed below to learn more about the different types of compensation and pension programs. (English and Spanish version of factsheets on various benefits are available)
Two most frequently considered programs are Compensation and Pension benefits.
Service-Connected Compensation (Effective 12/1/2020)
Veterans with health conditions (physical and mental) that can be linked to their military services are entitled to a monthly income benefit. The benefit amount is decided according to the severity of the conditions and dependent status, ranging from $144.14 to $3,146.12 (veteran alone) per month. This is not a means-tested program, so your current income and asset are not considered as factors. Veterans can apply for rate increase anytime when the conditions get worse. Surviving spouses of veterans who passed away from service-connected conditions are entitled to Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). Check website for more information or contact Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) in our area to apply:
Non Service-Connected Pension
Wartime veterans and their survivors with limited income and assets can apply for VA pensions to help pay for their cost of living and care. To qualify, veteran must have served 1 day during designated period of war, and the asset must be less than $130,773 (effective 12/1/2020 – 11/30/2021). Please visit the VA website below or contact VSOs to check eligibility, different categories of benefits, and application process:
Below is the current maximum amount of pensions for each category. Please note that even though the applicants’ income is higher than these amounts, they can still consider applying when they have expenses to be deducted to calculate benefit amount (medical bills and insurance premiums, in-home care cost, assisted and skilled nursing facility cost, etc.)
Pension Benefits for Veterans (Effective 12/1/ 2020)
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Basic without dependent
Amount: $13,931
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Basic with one dependent
Amount: $18,243
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Housebound without dependent
Amount: $17,024
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Housebound with on dependent
Amount: $21,337
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Aid and Attendance without dependent
Amount: $23,238
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Aid and Attendance with one dependent
Amount: $27,549
Pension Benefits for Survivors (Effective 12/1/2020)
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Survivor
Amount: $9,344
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Housebound Survivor
Amount: $11,420
Maximum Annual Pension Rate Category: Aid and Attendance Survivor
Amount: $14,934
Veteran Service Officers in Sacramento County
- Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) Regional Satellite Office
3046 Prospect Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
*Due to COVID, this office is closed until further notice. Staff are available by phone;
- Sacramento County Veterans Service Office
3970 Research Drive, Sacramento, CA 95838
Walk-in consultation is available Monday through Friday, 8 am-4 pm. To make appointment, call 916-874-6811 or email
*Due to COVID, this office is closed for in-person appointments. Service available via phone or email. For more information, visit their website;
Geriatric and Extended Care for VA Health Care Members
VA provides support services for the older veterans with long-term care needs and their family caregivers under Geriatric and Extended Care. Please see more information on the services at the link below;
VA Caregiver Support
Family members who are caring for veterans can access various support services through VA. Please visit their website listed below for more information, or call their toll free Caregiver Support Line at 1-855-260-3274.
As of 10/1/2020, Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) has been expanded to include those Veterans who incurred or aggravated a serious injury in the line of duty in the active military, naval, or air service on or before May 7, 1975. For more information;